Job opportunity
doctoral contract

International Management


PhD position Nanterre-ESCE


Institution :

From its very creation in the 1960s, University Paris Nanterre has dedicated itself to being a new type of institution of higher education. An institution of learning and research whose defining characteristics are its vibrant campus life, educational innovation, and scientific research with a social dimension. University Paris Nanterre is located to the west of the greater Paris area, just next to the largest business district in Europe and in a dynamic area full of major urban developments. The Nanterre campus reflects the University’s forward-looking policy with respect to sports and cultural activities, environmental commitment, and solidarity actions. In addition to its main campus in Nanterre, the University also has satellite sites in nearby Saint-Cloud and La Défense. Today UniversityParis Nanterre has 34,000 students in undergraduate, postgraduate, and professional continuing
education with more than 20% of the student body from a foreign country. There are over 1,000 research professors and researchers in all disciplines of social and human sciences (law, economics, management, arts, humanities and languages, philosophy, linguistics, information and communication sciences, psychology and education, history, archaeology, anthropology, sociology, geography) as well as in sports sciences and physical education, mathematics, computer science and engineering. The PhD candidate will be part of the research center in management Sciences, CEROS. ESCE International Business School (Ecole Supérieure du Commerce Extérieur) is a private higher education business school founded in 1968 with a strong focus on international business. Its mission is to train students in international development, with respect for ethics, diversity, and cultures, preparing them to successfully integrate as contributing members of a globalized economy. It is located
at La Défense (Paris) and Lyon. ESCE is a member of the Conférence des Grandes Ecoles and delivers a five-year master degree, fully accredited by the French Ministry of Higher Education. As an accredited member of the EFMD Programme Accreditation, ESCE’s program is internationally recognized. It holds the label Bienvenue en France and BSIS Impact as well as 4 stars in Q&S Stars Rating. ESCE offers 19 double degree programmes and has exchange agreements with over 190 international academic partners all over the world.

Job description :

The University of Nanterre and ESCE International business school invite applicants for a 3-years fully funded Ph.D. position. The successful applicant will work with Professors Céline Barrédy and Alfredo Valentino on the following topic:

THEMATIC : International strategic responses of family businesses in contexts of uncertainty, institutional influences, heterogeneity and economic/non-economic goals.

Nowadays, the increasingly uncertain business environment (e.g., the global COVID pandemic, RussiaUkraine conflict, the tech cold war, and the decoupling US-China) generates relevant challenges for entrepreneurs and managers often forcing them to take strategic decisions to preserve their long-term sustainability. Moreover, the complexity in the decision-making process is further exacerbated when entrepreneurs and managers seek non-economic goals in addition to economic ones, like in family businesses. For those firms, this might involve a “mixed gamble” with the risk of gains and losses in
wealth due to the presence of multiple and often contrasting goals, leading to differences in their strategic choices. However, the perception of this mixed gamble vary across family firms due to their inherent heterogeneity in goals, governance, and resources. In contexts where uncertainty, institutional influences, heterogeneity and mixed gamble overlap, strategic decisions might depend on multiple antecedents with different impacts on performance. On
the one hand, family owners may undertake distinctive strategic responses related to internationalization, growth, sustainability, diversification, innovation, and exit to face uncertainty and to preserve a trade-offs among financial and SEW gains and losses. On the other, they may focus their
attention to achieve different types of performance, like sustainability, with their strong impact on a diverse array of stakeholders.

The present project aims to:

  • Understand how family businesses take strategic decisions when they cope with uncertainty and competing goals that go beyond pure profit maximization.
  • Investigate different strategic responses like internationalization, diversification, exit, innovation, and so on, and understand how family business heterogeneity could offer some additional nuances on the set of triggers that push family businesses through different strategic paths.
  • Investigate the effects on different dimensions of performance.

The identified themes will be analyzed through conceptual and empirical lenses. In fact, the research will be both theoretical (development of research framework based on academic literature) and empirical (collecting primary and secondary data). Advanced statistic and econometric techniques will
be applied in order to test research hypotheses. Some qualitative analysis (e.g. based on case studies) could be also considered to enrich the evidence and strengthen the development of managerial and eventually policy implications.

For questions about this position and how to apply, please contact Prof. Celine Barredy ( and Prof. Alfredo Valentino (

The PhD scholarship is part of the partnership between the two schools. We offer a stimulating environment, which provides opportunities to present at national and international conferences, connections with scholars and practitioners.

PhD courses: The successful applicant will attend PhD courses to develop skills in advanced research methods, theory of the firm, data analysis and writing. The PhD Candidate must earn 180 ECTS duringthe three years of the doctorate    program. 150 ECTS are earned by the defense of the doctoral thesis and the 30 ECTS are earned by courses dedicated to doctoral education.

Teaching load: 96 hours face-to-face teaching per year Financial assistance to attend scientific conferences for presenting research papers.

Profile / skills required

Candidate must have a Master degree and an experience in doing research.

Documents to provide

Applicants should submit by April 7, 2024 their application to the two professors that includes:

  • Letter of motivation
  • Full CV
  • Names and e-mail addresses of 2 references



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