As a foundation, FNEGE promotes excellence in management education and research.
Read the news and job opportunities of FNEGE network management schools.
Learn more about FNEGE activities, CEFAG programs, admissions tests and entrepreneurs-students program PEPITE France since 2014
FNEGE values teacher-researchers in management science with certifications and prizes : books, remote educational tools, thesis and case studies.
Learn more about ou anti-plagiarism commission and impact programs
FNEGE publish on a regular basis studies and observatories on higher management education in France, realise every 3 years the management science journals ranking, and value researcher works on the videos and podcasts platform FNEGE Medias.
Accueil » Publications
La FNEGE publie régulièrement des études, observatoires, livre blanc.. autour des thématiques d’actualité de l’enseignement supérieur de gestion en France.
Les Observatoires de la FNEGE sont gratuits et téléchargeables directement sur notre site.
Les études sont payantes, merci de compléter le bon de commande disponible pour chaque étude.