As a foundation, FNEGE promotes excellence in management education and research.
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FNEGE values teacher-researchers in management science with certifications and prizes : books, remote educational tools, thesis and case studies.
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FNEGE publish on a regular basis studies and observatories on higher management education in France, realise every 3 years the management science journals ranking, and value researcher works on the videos and podcasts platform FNEGE Medias.
Corporate and Market Finance
IÉSEG holds the “triple crown” of international accreditations (AACSB, AMBA & EQUIS) and is a member of the “Conférence des Grandes Écoles”. The School offers Bachelor, Master and Post-Graduate Degrees as well as Executive Education programs. IÉSEG is also one of the leading French business schools in terms of research. The IÉSEG Research Center is accredited by the French CNRS (National Center for Scientific Research). Our Lille Campus is in the heart of Northern France (within the triangle made up by London, Paris and Brussels), and our Paris Campus is located in the biggest European business district of “La Défense”. More information on the school can be found here:
The department of “Finance” consists of over 35 full-time academic staff who is involved in several programs, with many of them including topics related to sustainable finance, green finance or climate finance, for instance the Grande Ecole Program, the MSc in Finance, the MSc in Banking, Capital Markets and Financial Technology, the Apprenticeship program in Financial Institutions: Risk, Compliance, and Data Analytics as well as the Executive Program in Financial Management. The School provides ample resources to support a variety of research interests and activities (Business Source Complete, WRDS, CRSP, TRTH, Refinitiv Workspace, Refinitiv Tick History, Datastream and Bloomberg among others). An overview of our diverse group of professors can be found here:
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