Procedure for ranking academic journals in the management sciences: 2025
Every three years, in partnership with its Management Science Board, the FNEGE publishes a ranking of management science journals. The previous ranking was done in 2022. The list of journals that feature in the FNEGE Ranking is thus endorsed by the 24 academic associations that make up the FNEGE management science board: AAIG, ADERSE, AEI, AFC, AFFI, AFM, AFMAT, AGeCSO, AGRH, AHMO, AIM, AIMS, AIREPME, AIRL-SCM, AIRMAP, ARAMOS, ARIHME, ATLAS-AFMI, GEM&L, IAS, I.P&M, RIODD, SFM, SPSG. The shared objective is to produce a categorisation.
As in previous editions, there are two categories of journals: those from the French-speaking community and international journals. The purpose of this segmentation is to recognise and support the expression of specificities of research published in management journals from the French-speaking community, especially when those journals promote articles written in French and are placed at a disadvantage by traditional international metrics of scientific quality. This also helps them to follow a path of continuous improvement and contributes to raising their international profile.
Procedure for journals from the French-speaking community
For a journal to be taken into account by the ranking committee, a formal application must be made by the journal’s editor-in-chief. A questionnaire (download here) must be filled out in full and returned to the FNEGE. By signing the questionnaire and its supporting documentation, the editor-in-chief confirms the journal’s application and agreement with the ranking rules, as well as the veracity and accuracy of the information provided.
Procedure for international journals
International journals do not submit an application and no information is expected from them (they can refer to the 2022 ranking procedure to see the principles of the ranking methodology, most of which are carried over to the 2025 ranking).
New international journals (i.e. not yet ranked – please check first that the journal does not appear in the 2022 ranking) may be submitted for ranking by professors / researchers working at FNEGE member institutions (and only by them) using the questionnaire available here until 6 January 2025.