Publication FNEGE

Digital transformation observatory

Type : Observatoires
Année de publication : 2024
Auteur(s) : BOUGHZALA Imed, DUDEZERT Aurélie

In 2020, the FNEGE initiated a Digital Transformation Observatory of French business schools. It aims to support French business schools with their transformation in the new context of digital and collaborative economy.

This observatory mobilizes a method based on a framework called SDMS (School Digitalization Maturity System) that has been completed by deans or their representatives of 61 business schools in 2024.

The whole data have been anonymously collected and analyzed, through the Sphinx Online tool, in this observatory published by the FNEGE, under the steering of Aurélie Dudézert and Imed Boughzala from IS LAB-IMT Business School.

Thanks to this analysis, the observatory is able to make 2 main recommendations to business schools:

  1. Committing to internal transformation: It is now necessary for business schools to thoroughly rethink their work organization, to enable them to adapt regularly to their stakeholders’ needs: learners, teachers, accreditors, supervisory bodies, etc.
  2. Moving from a defensive to an offensive posture: In the new digital and collaborative economy, technological developments will continue to be numerous and unprecedented.


This raises issues of education, as well as the development of critical thinking within establishments. Today’s business schools need to keep pace with current socio-technological developments, but they also need to keep their long-term mission in mind.

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