La FNEGE est une Fondation au service de l’excellence de la Formation et de la Recherche en Sciences de Gestion et Management en France.
Découvrez les actualités des écoles de management du Réseau FNEGE et leurs offres d’emploi :
Découvrez les grands secteurs d’activités de la FNEGE comme son programme CEFAG, ses tests de sélections et ses programmes internationaux et depuis, 2014, le programme étudiants-entrepreneurs (Pépite).
La FNEGE valorise les travaux des enseignants-chercheurs en Sciences de Gestion par des labellisations et des Prix : pour leurs Ouvrages, leurs dispositifs pédagogiques, les thèses et les études de cas.
Découvrez nos différentes formations, nos programmes d’impact et notre commission anti-plagiat :
La FNEGE publie régulièrement des études et observatoires sur l’enseignement supérieur de gestion en France, réalise tous les 3 ans, le Classement des Revues Scientifiques en Gestion et valorise les travaux des chercheurs sur sa plateforme de vidéos et podcasts (FNEGE Médias).
Accueil » Offres d'emploi » Assistant / Associate Professor in Finance
Finance d’Entreprise et Finance de Marché
The BBA INSEEC is part of the Omnes Education Group. This program has a triple recognition by its diploma approved by the Ministry of Higher Education and Research, its RNCP level 6 title delivered by the Ministry of Labor, and the international format of the diploma (BAC+4) which corresponds to the Anglo-Saxon system of graduation.
The BBA INSEEC expects from professors to possess excellence in pedagogy and knowledge about the market in respective fields, in coherence with the work carried out within the research center. Balance between teaching and research is therefore encouraged. The pedagogical and scientific axes favored by the School allow academics to strengthen their expertise and intellectual contributions concerning pedagogy and teaching and carry out outstanding research simultaneously.
Pedagogical expectations :
The candidate must demonstrate expertise and interest in pedagogical engagement and innovation, both in terms of systematically updating of pedagogical content and the learning experience offered to students, from the first to the fourth year of the Bachelor’s degree: online courses, Masterclass, hybridization, design thinking, and digital learning.
The successful candidate is expected to provide high quality teaching on topics related to his/her field of research, possibly in collaboration with other members of the faculty to which he/she will be joining.
The candidate will also have to prove his/her ability to meet the minimum professional standards required in terms of digital tools: provision of syllabi, use of digital platforms for teaching, among others. Finally, the candidate must be fluent in English.
Scientific expectations :
Independently of the scientific quality of his/her application, the candidate must demonstrate an interest in undertaking impactful research, setting up and managing collective research projects (company chairs, European projects, funded projects, etc.), and publish in well-recognized academic journals (FNEGE and ABS rankings). With significant experience, he/she must hold a PhD and/or corresponding postgraduate degree.
The potential candidate should demonstrated how his/her work wits with the scientific axes of the Research Center (see above).
The application must contain:
The application materials must be sent electronically before 05/03/2023 to ABDELJEBAR Yasmina (Administration Research Center;
The proposed salary and working conditions will be in accordance with the qualifications and experience of the candidate. Beyond this remuneration, bonuses may be granted for scientific publications, other intellectual contributions, pedagogical innovations, administrative responsibilities, in accordance with the Charter of Omnes Education Research Center & Faculty.
For further information about this position, please contact Niki PAPADOPOULOU ( for the pedagogical part and Hachmi BEN AMEUR, Director of the INSEEC GE Research Center, ( for the scientific part.
The pre-selection commission will meet on 10/03/2023. The candidates called to continue the recruitment process would be personally informed by the School’s management of the subsequent procedure to be followed.