Offres d'emplois
contrat doctoral

Management Stratégique et Organisation

Date : 14/03/2023

PhD Positions in Management, Finance, Economics and Law

HEC Paris
Jouy en Josas
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Présentation de l'établissement :

HEC Paris, founded in 1881, consistently ranks among the top research institutions in business, specialized in education and research in management. As a leading academic institution in Europe and worldwide, HEC Paris offers a complete range of selective programs for students and business leaders.

The HEC Paris Faculty is dedicated to pushing the frontier of knowledge by actively engaging in research, publishing articles in top academic journals with an international audience and participating in national and international academic conferences.

Description du poste :

The HEC PhD program is a full-time program, taught 100% in English, that prepares students for a career in research and academia. This requires in-depth knowledge of a particular field of management research, solid training in research methods, as well as hands-on experience in collecting and analyzing data, writing and presenting papers, academic networking and publishing research.

The HEC Paris PhD Program is an integrated PhD Program structured in two phases:

1. Research Master phase
The first two years of the PhD program are aimed at providing students with a strong basis to conduct research at the highest level. The phase is built around four pillars:

  • Foundations in Management and Research Methods
  • Specialization in a Management Discipline
  • Research Seminars, Tutorial, Summer Paper, Research Thesis
  • Professional Development


2. Doctoral Studies phase
During the doctoral studies phase, students work on their research paper-based dissertation and may take additional courses. They are encouraged to present their research projects at national and international academic conferences. Most students spend time as a visiting student at a top university or business school abroad to build an academic network, work with co-authors, and receive feedback on their research.

During the PhD journey, students are fully integrated into the research ecosystem of the School and greatly contribute to the publication output of the school. They work closely with their tutor/supervisor but also with the Faculty of their department and across departments.

The student chooses to work in one of the below research areas:

  • Accounting and Management Control
  • Economics and Decision Sciences
  • Finance
  • Information Systems and Operations Management
  • Law and Regulation*
  • Management and Human Resources
  • Marketing
  • Strategy and Business Policy

* Applicants holding a Master of Law may be authorized to integrate directly into Phase 2 (doctoral studies).

Financing: Financing and conditions:
Every admitted student (without any condition of academic background or nationality) will benefit for up to 5 years from:

  • Living stipend: 25000€/year
  • Tuition: 100% exemption
  • Additional funding for visiting positions
  • Additional funding for research project.

The financing is conditional on academic progress and will be evaluated in June of every year. Remaining fee of approximately 400€/year for the Doctoral Phase (starting in first year of Phase 2) has to be paid by the student.

Profil recherché / Compétences requises

Built on a strategy of excellence, the HEC Paris PhD Program, known for its small size, aims to attract outstanding and motivated future PhD students with a clear ambition to become top researchers in international academic institutions.
We welcome applications from candidates of all nationalities who

  • hold a university degree in any field
  • are fluent in English
  • have an outstanding academic record
  • are highly motivated to study at one of the world’s best research business schools.

Documents à transmettre

All applicants are required to follow our online application process.
A complete application should include the following:

  • Degree certificate(s) or current enrollment certificate
  • All official academic transcripts obtained in a higher education institution
  • Personal statement motivating your choice of pursuing a PhD in your chosen specialization
  • Résumé (CV)
  • Optional Research material that may support your application (dissertation, paper, research work, …)
  • GMAT or GRE official test score report (exemption for applicants for Law and Regulation)
  • TOEFL or IELTS or Cambridge test score report*
  • 2 completed online reference forms from professors
  • Proof of ID
  • Non-refundable application fee of €60.

* English test exemption is granted to:

  • Native English speakers
  • Applicants who studied a university degree of minimum two years in English may apply for exemption

Application Deadline: April 16, 2023. Start of Program: September 4, 2023.

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