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Accueil » Offres d'emploi » Phd Position in fashion and luxury marketing at Institut Français de la Mode and Paris Nanterre University – starting september 2023
Marketing, Vente et Communication
Institut Français de la Mode
Institut Français de la Mode is a higher education institution, a training center for apprentices, a provider of executive education, as well as a center of expertise for the textiles, fashion and luxury industries. It offers 16 educational programs at vocational, Bachelor, Master, Executive MBA and doctorate levels, which prepare students for all the professions in the fashion industry in the fields of management, design and craftsmanship.
Based in the heart of Paris on a new 9,000 m² campus, Institut Français de la Mode welcomes more than 1,000 students of some fifty nationalities – managers, designers, technicians, entrepreneurs – encouraging meetings, collaborations and cultural effervescence. Institut Français de la Mode benefits from strong and privileged links with all the players and brands in the fashion industry, who support IFM through testimonies, lectures, case studies and of course the recruitment of our students. Institut Français de la Mode is a member of HESAM Université, of the Conférence des Grandes Ecoles and of the International Foundation of Fashion Technology Institutes (IFFTI). It is supported by the French Ministry of Economy. It is recognized by the French Ministry of Higher Education.
Paris Nanterre University
The University Paris Nanterre (formerly Paris-X) is a French multidisciplinary university specializing in economics, management, humanities and social sciences, law, literature, psychology and political science. The University is heir to the Faculty of Letters and Humanities founded in 1964 and the Faculty of Law and Economic Sciences created in 1966 to relieve the Sorbonne. Its main campus is located in the city of Nanterre in the Île-de-France region in France. The University has more than 2,000 teacher-researchers, 700 administrative and technical staff and more than 33,000 students in 8 UFRs and 5 institutes.
The Center for Research and Studies on Organizations and Strategy (CEROS) is the research center in management sciences of the University of Paris Nanterre and the University of Paris Lumières. CEROS is a research team (Equipe d’accueil n° 4429) and is attached to the Ecole doctorale Economie Organisations et Société. CEROS aims to develop knowledge in management sciences and to promote the work of its three research teams: Corporate Finance, Management Identity Legitimacy, Organization and Processes. The CEROS counts 49 permanent researchers and 32 PhD candidates.
Each doctoral student must, during the first three years of his or her doctorate and in parallel with his or her research work, validate a minimum of 30 doctoral training credits. The main objectives of these courses are to
For more information, visit the doctoral training website:
The phd position offered is the result of a partnership between the Institut Français de la Mode and the University Paris Nanterre.
The PhD student will be co-supervised by a marketing professor from the University Paris Nanterre and a marketing professor from the Institut Français de la Mode , both specialized in fashion and luxury marketing.
The subject of the thesis will be determined in agreement with the two co-directors of the thesis. The thesis should have a direct application in the fashion and/or luxury industry, around the themes of identity, brand, commitment, creation, creativity, brand heritage, and heritage. Quantitative and experimental methods will be favored.
The doctoral student will be PhD candidate at the University Paris Nanterre and enrolled in the French PhD program at the University Paris Nanterre. He/She will benefit from the research support courses offered by Ecole Doctorale of Paris Nanterre University and research activities offered by the CEROS, the management research center of the University Paris Nanterre (in French). The doctoral student will also be required to teach marketing/management courses (in English) in bachelor and master programs at the Institut Français de la Mode (150 hours of courses per year).
The courses to be taught are :
The phd candidate will also be asked to supervise master research thesis and to help the teaching staff in their duties, such as exam assessments.
Conditions :
Candidates with the following qualifications are invited to apply
Ideally, the successful candidate will have previous professional experience, possibly related to the fashion and luxury industry or the cultural and creative industries.
The candidate must be an excellent English speaker.
He/she does not have to be perfectly fluent in French, but a basic knowledge of French will be necessary when attending the research methods seminars offered by Paris Nanterre University.
The research thesis can be written in English.
Dr. Caroline Ardelet, Director of the Master in International Fashion and luxury Management and the Executive Advanced in Management Program at Institut Français de la Mode :
Pr. Nathalie Veg, University Professor, Director of the Professional Degree in Management and Operations in Luxury Hotels and Restaurants :
Benjamin Simmenauer, Director of Research at the Institut Français de la Mode :
Pr Dr Céline Barrédy,
University Paris Nanterre, Director of the CEROS research center, University Paris Nanterre :