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contrat doctoral

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Date : 28/06/2022

Ph.D. student proposal : Technology Adoption for Innovation

Institut Polytechnique de Paris - Ecole polytechnique - Technology For Change Chair
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Présentation de l'établissement :

The Chair “Technology for Change” is the first research and teaching chair at the Institut Polytechnique de Paris.
Established in 2021 with the purpose of researching the interrelationship between technology and sustainability, founded as part of a 5-year partnership program led by Accenture, this chair aims to strengthen the links between science and technology, on the one hand, and the major environmental, social and economic challenges, in order to promote development of virtuous and inclusive technologies.

Eight researchers, 5 doctoral students, 3 postdocs and 3 administrative staff are currently members of the team. The Chair’s offices are located within the Drahi-X Novation Center of the École Polytechnique, which hosts the X-UP incubation program, the X-TECH accelerator, the X-F4B prototyping space, as well as than the innovation teams of large companies (Fujistu, Valeo, etc.).

Founded over 225 ago, École Polytechnique is one of the oldest STEM higher education institutions in the world.
One of the famed French “Grandes Écoles”, and consistently ranked as the best STEM HE institution in France, École Polytechnique has been ranked 2nd best “small universities” in the World (behind CalTech) by the Times Higher Education for the third year in a row.

It is also ranked 2nd in France and 15th best European University in the 2020 QS World University ranking, 4th worldwide in the THE Alma Mater Index 2017 (global business elite education) and 6th worldwide by Nature’s “Nobel Prize Alma Mater” institutions.Located in ‘Greater Paris’ on a 160+ hectare campus, École Polytechnique is now a part (and a founding member) of Institut Polytechnique de Paris (IP Paris), along with four other leading “Grandes Écoles”: ENSTA Paris, ENSAE Paris, Télécom Paris and Télécom SudParis. It provides attractive training programs, guaranteeing excellent employability and targeting a variety of audiences: Bachelor’s degree, Engineering cycle, Master’s, Doctorate and executive education.

The Interdisciplinary Institute for Innovation (i3) is a joint CNRS research unit (French National Research Council – UMR 9217) bringing together laboratories of École polytechnique (CRG), Mines ParisTech (CERNA, CGS and CSI).The Institute (85 researchers, 52 associate researchers, 21 postdocs, 120 Ph.D. students) develops high-level research reconciling academic excellence and relevance for research users.

Research is often carried out under contracts with companies, associations or public administrations (3.9 million in revenue in 2011). The Institute also has 8 corporate chairs. Through its research and training activities, i3 participates in tackling the major challenges: the dissemination of information technologies, health, innovation, energy and sustainable development.

Description du poste :

The Ph.D. candidate will work on a project to research, reflect, and understand the technology adoption at the firm level and how it relates to innovation.

New technologies are important to realize sustainable development in society, but to realize the benefits of emerging technologies, we need to better understand adoption mechanisms.

The project will require a strong methodological background involving an interest in working with diverse data sets to understand the specific technologies in the project.

• During the first year, the student will be fully dedicated to research.
• During years 2 and 3 opportunities for teaching may be offered.

The candidate will be involved with an ongoing research project and will therefore be closely interacting with supervisors and any other researchers connected with the project.

The PhD position is fully funded for a period of up to 3 years. It can start in September 2022. If necessary, there can be flexibility regarding the starting date.

Profil recherché / Compétences requises

• A master’s degree in business economics, management or similar
• Fluency in English,
• Interest in learning French,
• A passion for research,
• Strong methodological background,
• Ability to work independently.

Candidates are selected on the basis of their motivation, CVs, references, and subsequent interview.

Documents à transmettre

Please submit the following documents:
1. Motivation and background for taking up a research project
2. Curriculum Vitae
3. A synopsis containing a statement of project interest (which one) and some initial ideas how to shape the project. Add relevant methodological background and how it may be used in the project.
4. Reference letter (optional – preferred)

Contact :

In the header of your e-mail, please clearly state: ‘Ph.D. Application: Technology Adoption for Innovation’.

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