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Accueil » Offres d'emploi » Offre doctorale en entrepreneuriat social / Fully funded
Entrepreneuriat et Management des PME
Ph.D. Position in Social Entrepreneurship
Lille Economics and Management (LEM UMR CNRS 9221) and IÉSEG School of Management invite applications for a fully funded Ph.D. Position in Social Entrepreneurship at its Paris Campus.
An alternative economic model for building a more just and sustainable society exists, and social entrepreneurship is a central driver. A social enterprise is based on three pillars that will be found in varying proportions:
The majority of social enterprises are created by teams (Ben-Hafaïedh & Dufays, 2021) and have, more generally, collective governance. While the lasting impact of entrepreneurial teams on conventional businesses has been demonstrated (Ben-Hafaïedh, 2017; Jin, et al., 2017; Klotz, Hmieleski, Bradley, & Busenitz, 2014), this dimension is hardly broached in the social entrepreneurship literature. Moreover, collective governance characteristics add a layer of idiosyncrasy to the governance of these companies.
This project aims at analyzing the antecedents of the performance of a social enterprise by focusing on the governance of the company in question. What are the levers of value creation, economic and social, in a social enterprise?
The project entails a hands-on approach, completing and analysing a database of social businesses distinguished by the National Prize for the Creator of a Social Enterprise (CREENSO; managed by Cyrine Ben-Hafaïedh at IÉSEG School of Management, and collecting extra data. Qualitative methodologies as well as a qualitative comparative approach (QCA) (Ben-Hafaïedh, 2009; Douglas, Shepherd, & Prentice, 2020; Wagemann, Buche, & Siewert, 2016) are currently considered.
The selected candidate will be working under the supervision of Dr. Cyrine Ben-Hafaïedh and will be part of the IÉSEG Center for Organizational Responsibility research team
Dr. Cyrine Ben Hafaiedh
Co-Rédacteur en chef Revue de l’Entrepreneuriat/Review of Entrepreneurship