Offres d'emplois
contrat doctoral

Finance d’Entreprise et Finance de Marché

Date : 30/08/2023

Full-time pre-doctoral researcher in the field of finance

HEC Liège - Ecole de Gestion de l'université de Liège
Liège (Belgique)
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Présentation de l'établissement :

HEC Liège is the Management School of the University of Liège (ULiège). The University is an active partner of a network of over 900 universities promoting the exchange of students, researchers, and skills. As one of its faculties, HEC Liège is one of the leading Belgian management schools hosting graduate and postgraduate study programmes. The School counts 110 full-time faculty members and researchers and about 3,500 students, and promotes an empowering pedagogy leading students to play a proactive part in their education.

HEC Liège’s commitment to and ongoing investment in quality improvement has been recognized through the international Accreditations AACSB and EQUIS (delivered by EFMD).

HEC Liège offers a dynamic and entrepreneurial research and teaching environment.

HEC Liège emphasizes the human dimension of its work environment, the regional anchoring of its community service missions, the managerial relevance of its teaching and its applied research projects, let alone its fruitful inter-faculty partnerships.

HEC Liège upholds respect, tolerance, congeniality, diversity, and social responsibility. It is committed to the well-being of its members and to environmental protection.

Last but not least, HEC Liège’s modern and expanding campus within a city renowned for its friendliness and hospitality makes it a great place to live and work.

A description of the HEC® Liège work environment can be found at

Description du poste :

  • Collect, clean, synthesize, and analyze data using requested languages, including, for example, Python, R, MATLAB, and STATA.
  • Assist in the estimation of statistical models.
  • Help in designing data exhibits for academic journal articles, reports and presentations.
  • Collaborate successfully with professors and PhD candidates of the department.
  • Independently manage all timelines and deliverables. Exercise independent decision-making with regard to progression of research project and methodologies.
  • Be involved in the supervision of master theses and internships.
  • Contribute to various tasks for the benefit of the Department and the School.

The Department of Finance, Accounting and Law at HEC Liège (University of Liège) is recruiting a full-time pre-doctoral researcher (paid position) in finance to assist with finance professors’ research agenda and projects in empirical finance, broadly defined. The position is ideal for future PhD candidates looking for a pre-experience or training and that needs time and mentoring to prepare a strong application for a PhD grant.

Profil recherché / Compétences requises

  • Hold a master’s degree in business engineering or management sciences or economics (or equivalent) (with at least honours).
  • Have a strong quantitative background.
  • Have experience with coding (python, R, …), statistical tools and econometric analyses.
  • Have a long term interest to embark in a doctoral project.
  • Ability to write and communicate in English.

Documents à transmettre

The application package should contain:
  • a letter of application and curriculum vitae demonstrating the quantitative background and experience in coding;
  • a research project or a statement with research interests;
  • letter(s) of recommendation(s): min. 1 letter of recommendation. Two options: Letters of recommendation can be either sent directly to by the referee or the name and contact details (emails) of two referees should be included in the curriculum vitae.

Contact :, Professor of Finance at HEC Liège

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