La FNEGE est une Fondation au service de l’excellence de la Formation et de la Recherche en Sciences de Gestion et Management en France.
Découvrez les actualités des écoles de management du Réseau FNEGE et leurs offres d’emploi :
Découvrez les grands secteurs d’activités de la FNEGE comme son programme CEFAG, ses tests de sélections et ses programmes internationaux et depuis, 2014, le programme étudiants-entrepreneurs (Pépite).
La FNEGE valorise les travaux des enseignants-chercheurs en Sciences de Gestion par des labellisations et des Prix : pour leurs Ouvrages, leurs dispositifs pédagogiques, les thèses et les études de cas.
Découvrez nos différentes formations, nos programmes d’impact et notre commission anti-plagiat :
La FNEGE publie régulièrement des études et observatoires sur l’enseignement supérieur de gestion en France, réalise tous les 3 ans, le Classement des Revues Scientifiques en Gestion et valorise les travaux des chercheurs sur sa plateforme de vidéos et podcasts (FNEGE Médias).
Accueil » Offres d'emploi » Full-time pre-doctoral researcher in the field of finance
Finance d’Entreprise et Finance de Marché
HEC Liège is the Management School of the University of Liège (ULiège). The University is an active partner of a network of over 900 universities promoting the exchange of students, researchers, and skills. As one of its faculties, HEC Liège is one of the leading Belgian management schools hosting graduate and postgraduate study programmes. The School counts 110 full-time faculty members and researchers and about 3,500 students, and promotes an empowering pedagogy leading students to play a proactive part in their education.
HEC Liège’s commitment to and ongoing investment in quality improvement has been recognized through the international Accreditations AACSB and EQUIS (delivered by EFMD).
HEC Liège offers a dynamic and entrepreneurial research and teaching environment.
HEC Liège emphasizes the human dimension of its work environment, the regional anchoring of its community service missions, the managerial relevance of its teaching and its applied research projects, let alone its fruitful inter-faculty partnerships.
HEC Liège upholds respect, tolerance, congeniality, diversity, and social responsibility. It is committed to the well-being of its members and to environmental protection.
Last but not least, HEC Liège’s modern and expanding campus within a city renowned for its friendliness and hospitality makes it a great place to live and work.
A description of the HEC® Liège work environment can be found at
The Department of Finance, Accounting and Law at HEC Liège (University of Liège) is recruiting a full-time pre-doctoral researcher (paid position) in finance to assist with finance professors’ research agenda and projects in empirical finance, broadly defined. The position is ideal for future PhD candidates looking for a pre-experience or training and that needs time and mentoring to prepare a strong application for a PhD grant., Professor of Finance at HEC Liège