Offres d'emplois

Management Stratégique et Organisation

Date : 13/07/2022

Full-time Permanent Positions in Strategy, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Marketing, Finance, Management and Organization, Supply Chain and Information Systems

Rennes School of Business
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Présentation de l'établissement :

The school offers a variety of undergraduate and graduate education to more than 4,500 students, hailing from more than 70 countries. Our programs are accredited by AACSB, EQUIS, and AMBA. Our faculty are diverse and international, mostly non-French, making the school the most multicultural institution of its kind in France. English is the main working and teaching language at the School, as the vast majority of programs are taught entirely in English.

Our main campus is Rennes, the capital of Brittany, a green city in Western France, one hour and 25 minutes from the center of Paris by train, and less than one hour from the coast. Rennes is recognized for its outstanding quality of life and cultural environment with a wide range of private and public amenities including excellent primary and secondary schools. Rennes is also home to a very strong technology and entrepreneurial ecosystem.

More information about the School can be found here:

Description du poste :

To sustain its strong growth, Rennes School of Business (Rennes SB) has multiple permanent faculty positions open at the Assistant, Associate, and Full Professor level in the areas of Accounting, Entrepreneurship, Finance, HRM, Information Systems, Innovation, Marketing (B2B, innovation, sales and business negotiations), Organizational Behavior, Organization Theory, Strategy, Supply Chain Management, and International Business.

Start date is Sept 2023. Appointments will be made at the rank consistent with research, teaching records and the number of years of experience at a comparable institution.

We focus on research that matters for academe and practice. The school boasts a new institute for advanced studies — The Centre for Unframed Thinking — and research centers devoted to tomorrow’s organization, AI-driven business, financial markets, green supply chain and agribusiness (Research centres (

We support research productivity through generous incentives and infrastructure. Teaching load is similar or better compared to similar research universities and can be done entirely in English. A new campus in Paris increases our geographical reach. We also assist in relocation and housing search, offer French language courses, and provide extensive benefits, including health insurance and private pension contributions.

Profil recherché / Compétences requises

  • A doctoral degree, earned or nearing completion, in a businessrelated field from an internationally accredited institution
  • Demonstration of research competency through a portfolio of publications and projects suitable for publication in prominent journals
  • Willingness to contribute to the School’s development
  • Ability to teach in English (knowledge of French is not required)
  • Willingness to reach out to local, national, and international business community to disseminate one’s research and provide expertise
  • An equal opportunity employer: We encourage applications from qualified candidates of all backgrounds and genders. Diverse perspectives are welcome and consistent with our strategic vision for a global, diverse, and multicultural school

Documents à transmettre

The 1st deadline for submission of the full application package is September 15th 2022. Screening of applications will start shortly thereafter and will continue until the positions are filled, with subsequent applications screening after the initial deadline of September 15th.

The application package consists of a : cover letter, curriculum vitae (with the names and contact information of at least three referees), research statement, teaching statement, representative publications and/or working papers (maximum three), teaching evaluations (if any), and any record of service to the research, academic, and business communities.

To apply, please go to:

The three recommendation letters should be submitted the same way.

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