La FNEGE est une Fondation au service de l’excellence de la Formation et de la Recherche en Sciences de Gestion et Management en France.
Découvrez les actualités des écoles de management du Réseau FNEGE et leurs offres d’emploi :
Découvrez les grands secteurs d’activités de la FNEGE comme son programme CEFAG, ses tests de sélections et ses programmes internationaux et depuis, 2014, le programme étudiants-entrepreneurs (Pépite).
La FNEGE valorise les travaux des enseignants-chercheurs en Sciences de Gestion par des labellisations et des Prix : pour leurs Ouvrages, leurs dispositifs pédagogiques, les thèses et les études de cas.
Découvrez nos différentes formations, nos programmes d’impact et notre commission anti-plagiat :
La FNEGE publie régulièrement des études et observatoires sur l’enseignement supérieur de gestion en France, réalise tous les 3 ans, le Classement des Revues Scientifiques en Gestion et valorise les travaux des chercheurs sur sa plateforme de vidéos et podcasts (FNEGE Médias).
Accueil » Offres d'emploi » Enseignant-Chercheur
Part of the Grandes Ecoles Network (Elite Schools in France), EDC Paris Business School is an academic institution providing undergraduate and graduate education to more than 2 000 students from all over the world.
Founded over seventy years old, located in Paris La Défense City, the biggest affairs European city, leading to close proximity with corporate world.
Accredited by European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD-accredited), and Global Compact (PRME). The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) is in progress.
A Grande Ecole programme approved by the French Ministry of Higher Education, of Research and Innovation by delivering a 5-year master’s degree.
An influential network, Force EDC, made up of 18,000 graduates, including 5,000 business managers residing in 81 countries which helps ensure fast professional integration, plus a network of 3,000 alumni from our “Sup de Luxe” programme.
Entrepreneurial leadership, Business Development, and Luxury is at the heart of our strategy: 15 to 20% of business creators in each graduating class; nearly 80% are managers developing new business activities (corporate entrepreneurship)
42 full-time professors and 140 professional guest speakers
Nearly 100 international partner universities across all 5 continents
More information about EDC Paris Business School is available online at:
EDC Paris Business School invites applications for the 10 positions of Assistant/Associate Professors in:
Job Description:
Successful candidates will be located in our Paris La Défense campus. The main responsibilities of the appointee include the following:
Remuneration will be based on the applicant’s academic qualifications and experience.
Candidates should hold a PhD from a leading institution (Shanghai ranked, AACSB, EQUIS universities will be appreciated) and have an established record of excellence in teaching and research within the advertised discipline. They should be fluent in English, as their teaching responsibilities will be mainly in English. Knowledge of French (although not required) will be appreciated.
How to apply?
To apply, we kindly ask you to submit your application materials to Delphine DAGNON ( Assistant to the Research and Faculty Deans.
The application materials should include:
Please submit your application materials in English (French accepted) and in PDF files.
The recruitment committee will screen applications and invite selected top candidates for a preliminary interview (phone or Skype). The final list of selected candidates will be invited for a site visit to give a lecture in their field of competence and make presentations of their research activities.