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Accueil » Offres d'emploi » Associate or Full Professor in Accounting and/or Management Control – Position ref. AMCE22-MCA-F
Comptabilité et Audit
Audencia is triple accredited (AACSB, EQUIS and AMBA) and one of the leading European and French business schools. The school offers a wide range of programs including MS Grande Ecole, MScs, MBA, Executive MBA, European Master in Management, Doctorate and Executive Education Programmes, with 149 core faculty members from 32 countries. The school is very dynamic, has grown significantly in the most recent years and will continue to do so with new positions opening in the future. Audencia fosters both high-level research and high-level pedagogy and has a workload model that allows faculty to place emphasis on either of the two.
The school has campuses in France and abroad. This position is for the Nantes campus. Nantes is just 2 hours away from Paris by train, serviced by an international airport.
The eclecticism of its landscapes and architecture, its dynamism and the diversity of its cultural events, along with the quality of the environment which won it the label of European Green Capital, regularly places Nantes at the top of the best cities to live in. In addition to its pleasant environment (vineyards, royal castles, rivers, the sandy Atlantic coast…), the city also boasts a rich economic and industrial identity. As the 6th largest city in France, the metropolitan region of Nantes is number two in the country in terms of job growth. In 2022, more than 55 803 companies are housed in the city.
Audencia ( invites applications for a position as Associate or Full Professor in Accounting and/or Management Control. The position is for a full-time, non-fixed term contract and is effective from now.
The new faculty member will join the Department of Accounting, Management Control and Economics at Audencia.
Salary is negotiable and commensurate with potential and experience. There are a number of benefits attached to the contract including an individual research or pedagogical budget, the possibility to apply for additional internal funding opportunities, performance-based bonuses and family medical coverage.
We are looking for applicants specialized in Accounting and/or Management Control in terms of both teaching and research. Applicants shall hold a Ph.D., they shall be able to demonstrate their ability to teach effectively, and they shall have successfully pursued research funding and published in high-impact peer-review international journals.
In coherence with our school strategic axes, we particularly welcome candidates whose research expertise combines Accounting and/or Management Control with areas related to Sustainability / CSR, Technology and Data Analytics. The teaching associated with the position will be in French and/or English and previous teaching experience in English is mandatory.
Candidates should send a cover letter, a recent curriculum vitae including a detailed list of publications, recent teaching evaluations, and contact information of three referees by e-mail to: Prof. Thibaut BARDON, Associate Dean for Faculty: Please quote reference AMCE22-MCA-FNE in the subject of your email.
We will give priority to applications received by April 30, 2022 and continue until the position is filled.
Head of Department – Accounting Management Control and Economics: Prof. Myriam Mincheneau,
Head of Research – Department of Accounting Management Control and Economics: Prof. Ramzi Benkraiem,
Audencia Accounting Management Control and Economics department:
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