Offres d'emplois

Comptabilité et AuditContrôle de GestionFinance d’Entreprise et Finance de Marché

Date : 11/02/2022

Assistant / Associate Professor in Accounting or Management Control

Toulouse School of Management
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Présentation de l'établissement :

Toulouse School of Management ( offers degrees in management at the undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral level for both full time higher education and executive education students. Thanks to its research center – TSM Research (, which is accredited by the CNRS (National Centre for Scientific Research) as one of the leading management research centers in France, and its affiliated doctoral school of management (, TSM is able to provide excellent research conditions. TSM has a global perspective and fosters international exchanges through both the achievement of excellence in research and the provision of educational opportunities with an international focus.

Description du poste :

Toulouse School of Management (TSM; University of Toulouse 1 Capitole) invites applications for a position as Assistant or Associate Professor (Maître de conférences) in Accounting, Auditing, or Management Control within its Accounting, Auditing & Management Control Department.

Teaching load
A full professorship corresponds to a total of 128 teaching hours a year. A half teaching load for the first year of their appointment can be considered for junior associate professors, depending on their research potential.

Profil recherché / Compétences requises

Candidates should hold a Ph.D. (or equivalent degree) at the time of appointment (starting at earliest in September 2022). They should either have an established international publication record in high-ranking academic journals and/or demonstrate an outstanding publication potential in Accounting. Emphasis is placed on the applicant’s research potential, which means that a candidate with a large research potential may be preferred to a candidate with a large research production.

The successful candidate is expected to be physically present on a regular basis and actively participate in both the teaching and research activities of the Department.

The position requires a high level of fluency in both English and French.

Documents à transmettre

Applications should be submitted to Isabelle Martinez and Jennifer Boutant-Lapeyre by e-mail: /
including the following documents:

  • A cover letter (please indicate “TSM Position” in the title of your message and your cover letter)
  • a detailed and current curriculum vitae
  • a copy of a representative publication (or job market paper)
  • a statement of research interests and plans
  • the name and contact details of up to three referees

Applications received by March 1st, 2022 will be given priority. Only those applicants selected for an interview will be contacted. The short-listed candidates may be invited to provide further information in support of their applications.

Contact :

sabelle Martinez –
Jennifer Boutant-Lapeyre –

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