Offres d'emplois
contrat doctoral

Finance d’Entreprise et Finance de Marché

Date : 26/03/2024

Appel à candidature, doctorat

EM Strasbourg Business School
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Présentation de l'établissement :

LaRGE Research Center (University of Strasbourg) is one of the major research centers in finance in France. Its finance faculty consists of 38 Full, Associate, and Assistant professors in all fields of finance. LaRGE Research Center excels in several major fields: behavioural finance, banking, corporate finance, corporate governance, entrepreneurial finance and public finance. It has developed an active and strong international research network. More information can be found on the website:

Description du poste :

Selected candidates will be recruited for a PhD grant (“contrat doctoral”) and funded for a period of 3 years.
Applications must be sent to Anaïs Hamelin (Head of the LaRGE research center) by e-mail ( before the 12th of April 2024.

Profil recherché / Compétences requises

We are looking for ambitious students with a master degree in finance or in financial economics and the experience of writing a master thesis. Applicants should have a strong research interest in finance.

Documents à transmettre

Applications must include:

  • a detailed academic CV.
  • transcripts of records (undergraduate and graduate studies).
  • a letter of motivation.
  • a PhD proposal (in English).
  • two academic references with detailed contact data.
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