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Accueil » Offres d'emploi » A full-time position in Operations research, Supply Chain at Associate / Full professor level
Logistique, Supply Chain et achats
emlyon business school, one of the leading “French Grandes Ecoles” in Management, has consistently been ranked among the top European Business Schools. It holds a triple accreditation (AACSB, EQUIS, and AMBA) and offers a wide range of programs including a BBA, MSc in Management, Specialized Master’s degrees, MBA, DBA, PhD, as well as open and tailor-made executive programs. emlyon business school is ranked among the top 100 best universities and business schools of the world, in the latest Shanghai ranking. In the Management category, the school reaches the top 3 of best French business schools.
World-class institution, emlyon welcomes in its faculty 170 highly qualified professors whose research inform the scientific conversation as well as the economic and social debates. These professors share and diffuse their knowledge and expertise with all our participants via innovative pedagogical designs. The school counts six campuses around the world: Lyon, Saint-Étienne, Paris, Shanghai, Bhubaneswar and Mumbai.
emlyon business school is at the center of a vibrant ecosystem of large universities with excellent research teams in engineering, computer science, natural sciences, social sciences, and the humanities (see:
Lyon is the second largest city in France, with a long tradition in entrepreneurship and with a strong digital industry.
Further information :
emlyon business school is looking for a full-time professor in Operations research, supply chain or related relevant area.
The candidate is willing to promote and lead collaborative research projects and associated teaching in and around these topics with other members of the Department of Operation, Data and Artificial Intelligence (ODAI) and our Research Center AIM QUANT.
Applications are invited at Associate or Full Professor level – primary focus on research – beginning full time in September 2023 in Lyon /Écully campus, with possible travels to the other French campuses (Paris, Saint-Étienne).
We are looking for candidates with the following qualifications in line with their level of application:
The candidate will be expected to contribute to and is regularly evaluated based on three areas of activities:
We strongly encourage people of all backgrounds (gender, ethnic background, nationality) to apply.
The position involves teaching in English at all levels. Speaking French is not a requirement but holding French basic notions will be a strong asset. For non-French professors, basic language support is offered at the school.
The selected candidate is expected to be based in Lyon or nearby. Emlyon has a relocation policy to support the moving process for international candidates.
Salary and conditions are competitive and will be commensurate with qualifications and experience.
Possible questions about the position can be addressed to Professor Benoit Loeillet, Head of ODAI department ( and to Professor Guillaume Coqueret, Head of the QUANT Research Center at emlyon business school (