Offres d'emplois

Marketing, Vente et Communication

Date : 28/11/2022

A full-time position in Digital Marketing

ESCE International Business School
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Présentation de l'établissement :

ESCE International Business School (Ecole Supérieure du Commerce Extérieur) is a private higher education business school founded in 1968 with a strong focus on international business.

Its mission is to train students in international development, with respect for ethics, diversity and cultures, preparing them to successfully integrate as contributing members of a globalized economy.

It is located at La Défense (Paris) and Lyon. ESCE is a member of the Conférence des Grandes Ecoles and delivers a five-year master degree, fully accredited by the French Ministry of Higher Education.

As an accredited member of the EFMD Programme Accreditation, ESCE’s program is internationally recognized. It holds the label Bienvenue en France and BSIS Impact as well as 4 stars in Q&S Stars Rating. ESCE offers 19 double degree programmes and has exchange agreements with over 190 international academic partners all over the world.

ESCE offers time devoted to research and support to participate in conferences; employees receive social security and health care benefits and you will be part of a friendly, international and collaborative network.

Description du poste :

The professor’s field of teaching and research should be Digital Marketing.

Several faculty members in the department publish in the field of digital marketing. We are particularly looking for candidates with strong teaching skills and high publishing potential.

The tasks include: carrying out and supervising academic research, providing teaching based on research and following developments in the field, along with participating in community and international projects in their field.

The professor recruited will be part of the “Marketing, Entrepreneurship & Business Development” department. The teaching staff is made up of researchers as well as former executives of large French and international companies.

The future recruitment will contribute to the development of the Department’s programs at Lyon.

The expected start date is April 2023.

Profil recherché / Compétences requises

  • Applicants must hold a Ph.D. or doctorate degree and be research-oriented. This orientation should be demonstrated by a publication track record in peer reviewed international journals
  • Successful candidates should demonstrate excellent teaching ability at both the undergraduate and graduate levels.
  • Successful candidates should be able to teach in both English and French.
  • Former working experience in MNE or SME would be a plus.

Documents à transmettre

  • A cover letter including motivation for joining the ESCE business school
  • A current vita
  • A list of publications (including under review or in progress papers)
  • A copy of two significant publications

The deadline for the submission is 31th January 2023.

Contact :

The deadline for the submission is 31th January 2023.

Please send your application to
Candidates are strongly encouraged to apply as soon as possible as review of applications will begin immediately.


About ESCE International Business School:
For more detailed information as well as the application and evaluation procedure, please contact:

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