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Accueil » Evènements » What impact are we making on the mindset of our students ?
In this edition of the EQUAL Meet the Expert Series, in collaboration with EFMD Global, Dr Isabel Rimanoczy is invited, an academic who has made it her life purpose to promote change accelerators, to lead a webinar discussing the topic: ‘What impact are we making on the mindset of our students?’
In this interactive 75-minute webinar, Dr. Isabel Rimanoczy will introduce the concept of the Sustainability Mindset, which resulted from her doctoral research at Columbia University. She interviewed corporate leaders pioneering a shift towards more social or environmental operations in their organisations to understand their motivations, information and triggering factors, seeking patterns and possibly ways to intentionally develop a new generation of leaders.
Dr Rimanoczy will briefly share the conceptual framework of the 12 Sustainability Principles and the Indicator that was designed using this framework. The Sustainability Mindset Indicator is the first and award-winning tool used by educational institutions to assess, monitor, and research how they are developing a generation of sustainability champions.
The audience will learn how the SMIndicator is being applied to design specific pedagogical interventions, to assess the impact of a class or a programme on students’ mindsets towards sustainability, and as a personal development input for students.