
BSIS Symposium online: AI in business education for positive impact

au 17/10/2024


Descriptif Evènement

The Business School Impact System (BSIS) team invites business school deans, directors, accreditation leaders, impact assessment experts, researchers, Chief Impact Officers, and faculty to delve into the transformative potential of AI within the educational landscape.

This symposium aims to explore AI’s role in business and management, evaluating its diverse applications and contextual significance. It will build the business case for integrating AI into educational frameworks and examine strategies for effective implementation. Additionally, the symposium will examine AI’s capacity to catalyse positive societal change within the business education sector. Finally, it will assess the evolving landscape of AI and its implications for the future of business schools.

Main Takeaways:

  • A comprehensive checklist and actionable plan illustrating AI’s positive impact in business education
  • Insights into emerging AI trends and ethical considerations
  • Strategies for leveraging AI to drive meaningful change and innovation in education

Don’t miss this opportunity to shape the future of business education through the power of AI.
Reserve your spot today!


Proposals for contributions are invited on any of the three half-days on the themes of the symposium programme as indicated above (more detailed programme coming soon).

Sessions are all online, are 50 minutes in length in total, including keynotes and Q&A and will be facilitated by members of the BSIS. We would welcome contributions in the following forms (maximum length per contribution:
30 minutes):

  1. Case studies (presentations, video or reference material)
  2. Testimonials

Submission deadline is Friday 6th September 2024.

The format is a 100-250 word overview for case studies and your input should include your idea:

  • on how your contribution relates to the symposium title and specific theme
  • and why your contribution will be of interest to BSIS symposium participants

To provide a testimonial, please submit your name and contact details only.

Please submit your contribution and/or contact details here.

We are looking forward to your submissions targeting  the topic of AI in business education for positive impact!

Target group: Business school deans and directors, heads of accreditation and rankings, directors of impact assessment, researchers in the field of business school impact, Chief Impact Officers and faculty engaged in curriculum design and development, teaching and learning.

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