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Accueil » Economics, Management and Engineering of Innovation: Trajectories and Prospects for Systemic Innovation
Forum Innovation is an international conference organized by the Research Network on Innovation. The 2025 edition will be an opportunity to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the journal Innovations, Revue d’Economie et de Management de l’Innovation, the first issue of which was published in 1995.
Innovation lies at the heart of the dynamic growth model based on uncertainty, risk and profit. In the current context of economic, political and health crisis that characterizes our modern economies, entrepreneurs, companies, public or private organizations and public institutions are faced with the need to rapidly renew technologies, organizational schemes and modes of production and consumption. Technology, organization, production, consumption – one leading to the other, innovation can only be systemic. As a result, new trajectories are emerging, old ones are changing, new economic and entrepreneurial prospects are opening up, and reshaping activities. The current context is leading us to rethink the performance standards of organizations and economies, which are essentially based on profit, and to take a fresh look at the dynamics and systems of innovation, which include more numerous and more diversified stakeholders.
The guiding principle of the 2025 edition of the Innovation Forum is to understand the systemic nature of innovations and to reflect on their potential for dissemination and application. The emphasis on systemic innovation means that innovation is understood not only as an outcome in the form of new technological products and processes, new organizations and new business methods, but also as a process whose specific features need to be studied: modes of interaction and coordination between players, controversies, objectives and implications on a territorial scale (Uzunidis et al., 2021 a, b).
The conference will present the most recent advances in the fields of economics, management and engineering and the epistemology of innovation, with particular emphasis on the following themes:
Important dates :
Format of communication proposals :
Proposals for papers must include